
Home Faq Form



How can I use the product?

Augeos solutions can be used either in on premise mode or installed in our Data Center, or used through a Cloud platform (e.g. Micorsoft Azure). In this way you can also use the applications in “SaaS – Software as a service” mode. In this case the application is made available to the users via internet and can be interrogated through the latest generation web browser.

What are the technical characteristics of your products?

Augeos solutions are Web Based and can be used through a normal browser. The server side is used Windows Server.

What are the services offered by Augeos?

In addition to providing software solutions, Augeos also provides consulting services in the non-financial risk field (methodological approach to risk management, risk assessment, controls, mitigation plans, …).

Is it possible to customize your software?

Of course, being Augeos owner of its own software and having an internal software house we are able to ensure any adjustments to specific customer requirements.

How is personal data managed in your software?

Augeos protects the personal data used by our software in a way that respects the most recent regulations.

What maintenance and fixes are provided?

Augeos offers maintenance and Help Desk services that guarantee the full operation of the solutions according to the agreed SLAs.


Governance Risk & Compliance

For which sectors are the Augeos solutions of Risk Governance indicated?

Although mainly used in the Finance world, Augeos Risk Governance solutions are also suitable for Corporate and Utilities.

In the non-financial risk area in particular which functionalities are managed by Augeos solutions?

Augeos solutions support companies in risk management as indicated by the main international regulations, standards and practices (e.g. Basel III, Solvency II, Cobit, Nist, etc.). These solutions guarantee a univocal management and vision of risk at company level, in particular for the Operational Risk, Compliance Risk and IT/Cyber Risk areas and for the whole topic of internal controls, data quality and integrated reporting, complaints and, as a last evolution, also for the management of the recent European privacy regulation GDPR.

For which control functions is your solution indicated?

The Augeos GRC solution includes features suitable for the management of the three classic lines of defense: line controls, second level controls and audits.

In case of a content modification, is the information lost?

No. All information and operations are archived in such a way that the data can always be reconstructed afterwards. For the most important business objects (i.e. the key features of GRC) information about the changes made, the users who have adopted them, the time and date of modification are made available.

Is it possible to automate the alignment of users and organizational structures or is it necessary to always proceed with manual activities?

GRC can be interfaced with third party tools on which the ordinary management of the organizational structure and/or users is based. In any case, there are specific functionalities for the system administrator that allow to proceed directly on the procedure.

Is the system multi-company? If yes, how does it work?

Yes, you can configure GRC in multi-company mode. In this configuration, depending on the product (Risk Shelter, Normageos, A.IT Risk) it is possible to proceed to the definition of group functions, group glossaries, roles and ad-hoc permissions, assigning to each company a coherent operational perimeter.

Is the device equipped with reporting tools?

GRC provides three different types of reports:

  • Widgets, i.e. graphic components that can be activated in the solution homepage
  • “Product” reporting made available to users of the procedure regardless of the configurations in use
  • “Custom” reporting made specifically for the customer’s punctual needs


VDF Plus

What is VDF-PLus?

VDF-Plus is not a product but a service and as such, requires subscription. The service provides master data of securities, issuers and markets and price information for securities.

How do subscriptions work?

Financial instruments can be subscribed in two ways:
1. By making a request to the system for individual securities, on specific markets or on all the markets on which the security is listed.
2. By subscribing to a single market, in which case you will receive information about all the securities listed on it.

In what format do I receive the information?

VDF-Plus has its own standard layout for the organization of information, both in terms of biographical information and price information.
However, it is possible to request to Augeos S.p.A. the realization of customized paths for both types of information.

Who provides the data provided by VDF-Plus?

Augeos is in partnership with SIX Financial, world leader in the provision of financial data.
In addition, Augeos uses data provided by Borsa Italiana, Infront and HI-MTF.


AT Master

Must the application necessarily be installed at the customer's computer systems?

Not necessarily, because in addition to the classic mode “On Premises”, which involves the installation at the customer’s environment, you can also use the application in “SaaS – Software as a service” mode. In this case the application is made available to users via the Internet and can be interrogated through a web browser.

With which data sources is the application integrated?

The application is natively integrated with the data sources VDF Plus, Bloomberg, Connect, MorningStar, with the data flows provided by the individual financial markets and can also integrate with any data source capable of providing master information.

Can a financial instrument be fed simultaneously with information from multiple Data Vendors?

Yes, the application provides a merge module able to merge information from multiple info providers according to the priorities defined in a specific configuration environment.

What types of financial instruments are currently managed from the application?

There is no restriction in this sense, as the types of financial instruments that can be managed by the application are extensible through configuration. As an example the following typologies are currently treated: Shares, Bonds, Certificates, ETFs, Funds, Futures, Indices, Raw Materials, Options, Rights/Warrants, Exchange rates, Interest rates.
It is also possible to store the personal data of issuing companies and financial markets in the application database.

Is it possible to perform a validation check of the data before they are imported into the system?

Yes, the application provides a configurable data validation module through which it is possible to establish the acceptance criteria before the actual import. The registries considered invalid are stored in a special staging area and can therefore be verified and validated by the user before the final import.

Is it possible for the user to modify the data imported into the system?

Yes, users, if appropriately enabled via configuration, can modify imported information. By the use of configuration, it is also possible to determine whether manually entered information should take priority over information provided by external providers.

Is it possible to export imported data present in the system?

Yes, the application includes a data export module in which it is possible to configure, via metadata, the desired number of export flows. The production of each flow can be scheduled periodically or performed on a one-off basis at the user’s request.

Contact us

You can contact us at this number

(+39) 011 959.74.44
