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Key Risk Indicators
In order to have a clear picture of the circumstantial scenario that could testify to the possible occurrence of a risk in the short to medium term, the use of key indicators is recommended.
RED provides users with a convenient IT solution for the management of historical series of measurements through:
- An integrated monitoring dashboard
- A centralized archive of indicators
- Analysis and in-depth analysis tools
- Detailed reporting
The information related to an indicator is subjected to “predictive” analysis based on algorithms that determine:
- The trend
- The reliability of the trend (e.g. by applying the “Cox-Stuart test”)
- Threshold limits (e.g.: Alert and Risk Tolerance)
The latter can be configured by choosing from:
- Static thresholds, i.e. defined ex-ante when setting up kri
- Dynamic thresholds, i.e. calculated according to an algorithm configurable a priori that processes the historical series of kri